Jesus the saviour

Key To Happiness

"blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" -Matthew 5:8
Many of us talk about "happiness" and when we are happy or when we are not. We all come come up with different definitions, some may define happiness as a state of being rich, winning bets, prizes, etc. infact, there are different kind of definitions by many. But lets take a look at the life of a man which the bible recorded he was saying to himself "I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there i will store all my grains and my goods. And i will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.
Christians should stop saying "Money answereth all things" as the World says it! "Feeling money is everything is foolishness as best explained by Jesus in (Luke 12:19), if we go along with the world's thinking, then who really are we in christ for He said "we should be separate from them"
See some other Worldly languages we should stop using as believers in Christ "None is righteous" "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10. The People in the world hold this bible verse against Christians who preach the Gospel of Christ but The Bible made us to understand that we are made righteous through Christ. "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Jesus dispels the myths that society say will bring happiness
The general attitude of society is that being wealthy will solve every problem and that if every problem is solved we will be happy. Just listen to the conversation in the lunch room of a work place. ‘How are you today?’ - ‘I’ll be great if I win bet.’ - ‘Is everything OK? You look troubled.’ - ‘Nothing that a million dollars wouldn’t fix! Jesus dispelled this thinking and said that a person’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.

We go to great lengtgh in pursuit of happiness in life. We spare neither expense nor efforts to obtain promises to give us lasting joy. We enthusiastically adopt and practice all the formulas recommended by so-called experts. Yet, happiness reamains elusive.
"The preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes summarizes this baffling situation well, when he exclaimed: "Whatsoever mine eyes desired i kept not from them".

Obviously then, true happiness lies elsewhere. And the Lord Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, finally unveiled the key to genuine and lasting happiness in this life, and in the life after death. He said that the real happiness lies in showing mercy to others, for only then can we obtain mercy ourselves. We are happy when we have pure hearts - free from any spot or stain, malice or hatred, animority or prejudice - for such qualifies us to see God. Peace-making also has the capacity to give us happiness, and rightly earn us recognition as children of God.
As a believer, you should not live to please or satisfy yourself. While you should patiently bear your problems, you must at all times seek to relieve those in misery and need. The greatest expression of this is to show compassion and pity to sinners and do all in your power to bring them to Christ. And it is holiness that enables you to imbibe the attributes of God, to be loving and compassionate, to be happy and heaven-bound.
The realization that one day you will see God, makes everything else pale into insignificance. There is no offence you cannot take; there is no suffering you cannot bear. Your preoccupation is to be a peacemaker, and to truly show that you are a child of God. The question is: have you found this key or are you chasing mere shadows in pursuit of happiness?
Holiness unlocks the door of happiness and gives access to heaven.

Created January 2016

not by might, nor by power,
Saith the LORD of host, but by my spirit "- Zechariah 4:6 hosts

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Old school Easter eggs.